I met Becca and John a few years ago – though now I couldn’t quite tell you where or how. They’re part of a magical little creative community here in Bridgeport – John is a musician (go, now, and look up the band Oh Cassius) and Becca is one of those creative humans that can make anything, and make it look amazing. They’re classy and kind and generous beyond measure. And as if that wasn’t enough, Becca makes a mean donut – I know because I’ve probably had too many.
I’ve had the pleasure of taking pictures for lots of parts of their lives – I’ve captured photos of those divine donuts for Becca’s donut truck, documented the renovation of their old Bridgeport home over the course of 6 months, and I had a total blast second shooting their wedding with my forever teammate (and total badass photog) Taylor Lenci. But by far, my favorite of all is taking newborn photos when their son Samuel Ryland arrived in early January. We spent a couple cozy hours hanging out in that very same old house they’d been renovating for so many months, and even got to sneak in a couple snuggly photos of Baby Sam with Becca’s parents.
Documenting newborns at home gives us the chance to capture all the wonderful new-ness of those first few days – new parents and new routines and new reminders to slow down together. It’s that weird, lovely vortex of time where you are meeting yourself and your partner as parents for the first time, over and over again. At the same time, this little being is filling up your home and your arms and your time in a magical way unlike any other person or thing before. I love these sessions because there’s time to really settle in, to capture how a family learns to move together through spaces and challenges and joy.
And, it’s almost impossible to believe that little Sam is big enough now to sit up on his own! Those newborn days feel like forever ago, and just yesterday all at once, don’t they?